Polyolefin mainly includes polypropylene unit, high-density polyethylene unit, etc. Polypropylene unit mainly includes spacer ethylene stripper, scrubber, ethylene stripper, etc. High density polyethylene unit mainly includes hexane rectifying tower, butylene tower, hexane adsorption tower, butylene-1 adsorption tower, ethylene oxygen removal refining tower, ethylene carbon monoxide removal refining tower, ethylene water removal and carbon dioxide refining tower, etc. The main internal components involved include metal packing, liquid distributor, liquid collector, packing grid, packing grid support, tray assembly (float valve, tray plate, downcomer, receiving tray, liquid seal disk and corresponding support beam), oil collecting tank, gas-liquid feed distributor and distribution pipe, bolts, nuts, clips, washers and other fasteners.
● Single and double overflow trays - single overflow tray/double overflow tray/float valve/structured packing/rectangular saddle ring bulk packing
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